In this document:

Sage 300 2019 release notes

Thank you for choosing a Sage business management solution.

These release notes contain important information about Sage 300, including information about product changes that are not in the documentation.

Product updates contain modified versions of one or more Sage 300 program components. A product update is not a full upgrade or a product replacement. Each product update is valid only until we release the next product update or the next version of Sage 300.

Depending on your purchase agreement, some features described here may not be available in your product.

What's new in Product Update 7

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 7.

General improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic screens:

Sage 300 classic screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300 classic desktop screens:

What's new in Product Update 6

This product update includes fixes to both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic desktop screens. For details, see Product Update 6 program fixes.

What's new in Product Update 5

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 5.

Sage 300cloud web screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300cloud web screens:

What's new in Product Update 4

This product update includes fixes to both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic desktop screens. For details, see Product Update 4 program fixes.

What's new in Product Update 3

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 3.

CRM Integration improvements

When you create or change an order entry transaction that is linked to a CRM opportunity, a corresponding communication record is automatically created in Sage CRM. This feature works whether you create or change the transaction in Sage 300 or Sage CRM.

Note: If you do not want communication records to be automatically created as described above, you can turn off this feature by selecting the Suspend O/E Communication Integration to Sage CRM option on the Sage CRM Setup screen.

What's new in Product Update 2

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 2.

Sage 300cloud web screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300cloud web screens:

What's new in Product Update 1

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 1.

General improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic screens:

Sage 300cloud web screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300cloud web screens:

Sage 300 classic screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300 classic screens:

Office 365 integration with Sage 300

Integrating Microsoft Office 365 with Sage 300 allows you to use Sage Contact, which is an app for Office 365 that lets you view and manage Sage 300 customer information within Outlook. For more information, see Office 365 Integration with Sage 300.

What's new in Sage 300 2019

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in the 2019 release.

General improvements

This release includes the following new features and improvements in both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic screens:

Sage 300cloud web screens improvements

This release includes the option to install Sage 300cloud web screens: modernized versions of Sage 300 screens that you can use in a web browser. The release includes a number of new web screens, as well as new features and enhancements for existing web screens.

Web screens run in parallel with the classic Sage 300 desktop screens, so there's no need to choose between desktop or web. Everyone in your organization can use the interface that best suits their needs, while working seamlessly with a single shared set of company data.

Here's a quick overview of what's new in Sage 300cloud 2019 web screens:

To learn more about new web screens and features available in this release, see the following documentation and resources:

Important! When using Sage 300cloud web screens over an external network or the internet, data must be protected with security measures such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or a Virtual Private Network (VPN). To determine appropriate security measures, consult with your information technology (IT) professional or Sage Business Partner.

If you use Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud, we recommend that you configure Sage 300cloud web screens to run in a secured environment using digital certificates. If you do not, warnings will appear in your browser each time you start Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud. For more information, see Knowledgebase article 84797.

Web screens are available in English, French, Spanish, and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional). Help and documentation for web screens is available in English and French.

Sage 300 classic screens improvements

This release includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300 classic screens:

Redesigned CRM Integration

We’ve redesigned the way that Sage CRM integrates with Sage 300 to make it easier to set up, and to improve usability and performance. Integration screens now have the same modern look and feel as web screens, and perform faster too! The integration now uses the Sage 300cloud web screens instead of the old Sage 300 Portal, which makes installation much simpler.

For more information, see the Sage CRM Integration Guide for Sage 300 2019, which is available on the Sage 300 Product Documents website.

Technical information

This section provides information about program fixes, product contents and requirements, recommendations, and other technical information.

Product Update 7 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 7.

Synchronization Between Web Screens and Desktop Screens

Fixed a problem that occurred if you changed a customer’s phone number in Sage 300cloud web screens—on the O/E Ship-To Address screen, O/E Customer Bill-To Address screen, or A/R Ship-To Location Information screen—which caused the updated phone number to be formatted incorrectly in desktop screens. (Reference #8008339169)

General Ledger

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that prevented you from printing the Transactions Listing report for a range of periods ending with ADJ (Adjustment) or CLS (Closing). (Reference #8008368359)

Product Update 6 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 6.

Web Screens Performance

Fixed a problem that could cause delays of up to a few minutes in Sage 300cloud web screens when loading the sign in page or when signing out. This problem occurred if you have a large number of companies set up in Sage 300.

Printing Reports in Web Screens

When viewing Sage 300cloud web screens using Chrome version 83 (or newer) as your browser, you can print and export reports to files.

System Manager

Inventory Control

Fixed a problem on the I/C Transfers screen in Sage 300cloud web screens, which prevented you from entering some special characters (such as – or /) in the Item Number field.

Purchase Orders

On the Requisition tab of the Requisition Entry screen in Sage 300cloud web screens:

Payment Processing

In Sage 300cloud web screens, you can now set up credit cards and process payments when using version 84 (or newer) of the Chrome browser. For more information about using Chrome 84 with Sage 300, see Sage Knowledgebase article 106348.

Sage CRM Integration

Fixed a problem that prevented you from using Sage 300 screens in Sage CRM when using version 84 (or newer) of the Chrome browser. For more information about using Chrome 84 with Sage 300, see Sage Knowledgebase article 106348.

Product Update 5 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 5.

Emailing Documents

Fixed a problem that could occur if you email documents from Sage 300 using SMTP, which could cause documents you emailed to have an incorrect “tmp” file name.

Sage CRM Integration

In Sage CRM, if you create a quote or order for a company that has not been promoted to Sage 300, the address specified for the company appears in the Sold To box on the quote/order.

Note: In Sage CRM, you can no longer enter or change information on the Customer Bill-To Address screen.

Product Update 4 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 4.


Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that prevented you from using finders in tables when using version 76 or 77 of the Chrome browser.

Datapiped Reports

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that could occur if someone printed a datapiped report. The effects of this problem varied (for example, it could prevent you from posting, could cause IIS to stop working, or could cause the web screens to stop responding).

Report Printing

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that could prevent you from printing reports if you (or others in your organization) use the Reports list to open reports.

Note: If you use Firefox as your browser, you must close reports in the Window Manager before closing your browser. Otherwise, you or others may later be unable to print reports.

System Manager

Accounts Receivable

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that prevented you from adding new customer records if the Keep Statistics option (on the Options screen) was not selected.

Accounts Payable

General Ledger

Sage CRM Integration

Ops Inquiry

The IC Item Inquiry screen now opens faster.

Product Update 3 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 3.

Tax Services

Fixed a problem that caused the Tax Tracking report to include all A/P payments, instead of only those that the report should include.

Accounts Receivable

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that caused the Receipt Entry screen to stop responding if you opened the Document Taxes screen for a miscellaneous receipt. This problem also caused the Document Taxes screen to show incomplete information for the miscellaneous receipt.

Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that prevented you from entering details on the Requisition Entry screen if you use Purchase Orders as a stand-alone program (without Inventory Control).

Order Entry

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that could cause the Order Entry screen to stop responding if you deleted an order detail.

Project and Job Costing

Fixed a problem that could cause the Contract Maintenance screen to perform slowly or stop responding. This problem occurred if you repeatedly opened the Category Maintenance screen for different categories.

Account Code Change

Fixed a problem that occurred if you use G/L Consolidations, which prevented you from posting a change list.

Sage CRM Integration

Important! For some of these fixes to work, you must uninstall and then reinstall the Sage CRM Synchronization Component (E/W) after installing product update 3.

Product Update 2 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 2.

Accounts Receivable

In Sage 300 classic screens, the Refund Batch List screen performs faster, particularly when working with large batch lists.

Accounts Payable

Inventory Control

If you have set up G/L integration to create G/L transactions by adding them to an existing batch (this setting is specified on the G/L Integration screen), day end processing now performs faster than it did previously.

Sage CRM Integration

Fixed a problem that prevented customizations to a Sage 300 screen from appearing when you opened the screen from Sage CRM.

Ops Inquiry

On the Ops Inquiry IC Item Inquiry screen, the S/Os and Qty. Avail. tabs now open faster.

Sage 300 SDK

Fixed a problem that could prevent users from importing user authorizations for a subclassed program.

Product Update 1 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 1.

Item Finder

Fixed a problem that could cause incorrect quantities to be displayed in the Item finder.

Accounts Receivable

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that could prevent you from opening the Refund Entry screen. This problem occurred if you have activated only the Sage 300 financial modules.

Project and Job Costing

Fixed a problem in Sage 300 classic screens that could cause the Contract Maintenance screen to stop responding.

Ops Inquiry

In Sage 300 classic screens, when you open the Item finder on the Ops Inquiry IC Item Inquiry screen, the finder displays the same criteria you specified the last time you used this finder.

General information

Compatibility with other programs

For a complete list of compatible programs, database platforms, and operating systems, see the Sage 300 2019 Compatibility Guide, available from Sage Knowledgebase article 26777.

Known issues

Installing Sage 300

For detailed instructions on installing Sage 300, see the Sage 300 Installation and Administration Guide.


Installing product updates

After installing a product update:

Removing Sage 300

Before removing Sage 300, you must:

To remove Sage 300 2019 programs:

  1. In Windows' Control Panel, click Programs And Features.
  2. Open Uninstall Or Change A Program, and then:

Sage 300 Payroll

Sage 300 2019 includes Canadian and US Payroll. For more information, see the related release notes, which you can find on the Sage 300 Product Documents website.

Note: Canadian and US Payroll may not be available in all regions.

Sage 300 Intelligence Reporting

Sage 300 2019 includes Sage 300 2019 Intelligence Reporting. For more information, see Sage Intelligence Learning.

Known issues

Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud

Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud is a financial reporting tool integrated with Sage 300cloud.

To use Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud, users must be assigned to a security group with Financial Reporter security authorization for Sage 300 General Ledger and Sage 300 Web API security authorization for Sage 300 Common Services.

Also, for the ADMIN user you must customize two Sage 300 program files. For more information, see Sage Knowledgebase article 84722.

We recommend that you configure Sage 300cloud web screens to run in a secured environment using digital certificates. If you do not, warnings will appear in your browser each time you start Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud. For more information, see Knowledgebase article 84797.