Get to know the 2014 Sage year-end center
As the end of the year is one of our busiest times, your customers may have noticed longer than usual hold times. That’s why we’ve created the Sage year-end center, where you and your customers can get quick answers to common questions 24/7.
Are your customers’ products up to date? Do they need help wrapping up 2014? Get answers, product downloads, tax updates, payroll, and reporting on the year-end center on Sage City. Your customers can bypass the phone queues and get the answers they need—so they can get back to work more quickly.
Update: Sage Knowledgebase
Thank you to all the partners who have submitted feedback to [email protected] and to those who attended the search-tuning workshops last month. We have had great responses from these sessions and intend to have more in the future. There were a few important notes from the workshop that we wanted to ensure you were all aware of.
We will be launching a significant site update in the next few weeks. This update will allow you to more easily find downloads, system requirements, and product documentation. It is imperative that you log on and use to have the best experience.
The content in the now decommissioned Infosource knowledgebase is still available in the archive knowledgebase (Archive KB), which is linked to from the partner portal. We are analyzing usage of the Archive KB and will migrate content that is used between now and the time it is decommissioned. The projected date for the Archive KB to be turned off is May 2015.
Be on the lookout for the partner authoring form in the next few weeks. It will be linked to the home page of the Sage Knowlegbase. You need to be logged on to use this authoring form.
Thank you for helping us build a better online support experience. Please continue to send your feedback to [email protected] to let us know how we are doing.
Sage Intelligence tip: Update your reports using the Bulk Import and Update feature
Did you recently upgrade your Sage Intelligence Reporting software and now can’t see your new or updated reports in Report Manager? Don’t worry, you can quickly and easily access your reports using the Report Managers’ Bulk Import and Update feature.
The purpose of bulk importing is to automatically import new and updated reports that are included with your new version of Sage Intelligence into your Report Manager. The Bulk Import feature doesn’t delete or modify your existing reports or change any of the settings in those reports.
To execute a bulk import, follow the steps in this tip.
Accelerate your business growth efficiently
In February, IDG Research Services was commissioned to conduct a study of medium-sized businesses in North America and Europe to determine the relationship between improved data access and usability and business profitability, revenue, and projected growth. The findings were enlightening and are encapsulated in this one sentence: Companies with more accessible, usable, and intelligent data grow 35% faster.
The research findings focus a lot on data intelligence, which alludes to the necessity of a business intelligence (BI) reporting tool like Sage Intelligence to ensure that you and your clients base your business decisions on effective, insightful data. Take a look at the research paper, Impact of data effectiveness, for more information.
Visit the Sage ERP X3 Support Community!
At you will find Sage ERP X3 under the Support Communities tab. This is a great place to engage with customers, ask questions, and respond to inquiries. To join, select Join in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage.
Three partner options for Sage Mobile images
In response to partner requests for the Sage Mobile images, please review the three options that are available (along with pricing and contact details) to help you determine which option is the right fit for your organization.
The Sage Thought Leadership webcast series
In his inimitable style, Ed Kless, Sage senior director, partner development and strategy at Sage, opens our own version of The Tonight Show. He tells a story about a famous chess match and then connects it to a series of questions from business thinker Peter Block.
This is the first of seven podcasts from Sage Summit 2014 entitled, Creating a new future: Partnering in the age of the cloud. This session is dedicated to the possibility that partners will be more successful in the future if they are willing to transform their business model to better reflect the realities of the new marketplace. This is hard work, as it requires us to think differently about our preconceived notions of the past and future.
If you are interested in actively participating in the creation of the future, this session is for you. This session is for all partners of Sage, regardless of product.
Other podcasts in this series include interviews with:
- Stan Mork, president of the ITA: "The small to mid-sized business owner is realizing that IT is not their core competency. This is a huge opportunity for partners," and Donald Deshaies, VP of channel management at Sage: “The flexible model, the agile model are what will help us and our partners make the shift and adapt."
- Dom Pernai, president and founder of Cornerstone Solutions: “The people who are leveraging the cloud are typical our best customers already. They are typically the market leaders in our space and are looking for ways to continue to leverage off of technology," and Doug LaBahn, SVP, product management and marketing at Sage: “We are seeing that as you move up the maturity curve (of technology), a dramatic improvement in the ability to win and keep customers."
- Jeff Roth, head of SWK Technologies: "We need to listen to each other. Understand what we are seeing out there, convey that to Sage and then market it," and Bill Rietz, VP at Sage: “It (the future) starts with a conversation and collaboration about how partners see their role in servicing their customers.”
- Peter Wolf, president and chief evangelist for Azamba: “CRM is a natural antidote to the rise of competitive pressure," and David Beard, CRM principal at Sage: “We have to use technology to even be competitive.”
- Joe Langner, EVP and general manager at Sage: “Think beyond the single solution you might be comfortable with and don’t be afraid to ask (your prospect or customer) a challenging question.”
- Ed Kless, Sage senior director, partner development and strategy at Sage, in his closing session, Creating a New Future: “Choose accountability. Choose freedom.
Definitely worth an encore, you can still view the archives of the Sage Thought Leadership webcast series, which we ran in FY 2013 as a monthly webcast series offered to Sage business partners and customers.
In these sessions, we explored how emerging technologies can transform your business for the better, we explored the hot-button topics that will reshape the way you work, and we showed how you can view key business issues and innovations through a new lens.
View podcasts on iTunes or download or listen to all episodes.
Sage partner podcasts are rockin’
Each week Ed Kless interviews a partner about his or her businesses. You can listen to them here or subscribe on iTunes.
If you are interested in having your moment in the sun by being interviewed for a podcast, please send Ed Kless an email with the word podcast in the subject line, and he will send you information on how to become a guest.
Sage partner podcasts are part of the Sage Thought Leadership series.
Sage Sell
Sage Sell, the Sage sales and marketing enablement website, is available to Sage ERP X3, Sage 100, 300, and 500 ERP, Sage HRMS, Sage BusinessWorks Accounting, Sage BusinessVision Accounting, and Sage Construction and Real Estate sales teams and partners, and is evolving to become the go-to site for all marketing and sales resources available for Sage Mid-Market solutions.
If you are not familiar with Sage Sell, please watch the Sage Sell overview demo.
With Sage Sell, you can download the latest sales and marketing resources, keep abreast of upcoming events, learn about the latest news on products, marketing, or channel activities—and direct questions to subject-matter experts. In addition, channel communications will be posted on the Sage Sell site for your reference.
Please register on to gain access to this site. Once your registration has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation from [email protected] with logon and password details to start using the site.
Note: If you already have a logon to this site, your access rights will be updated for all product lines for which you are authorized.
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Sage City—Not just for your customers
Did you know Sage City has areas dedicated to partners? In fact, Sage City offers private areas for both Sage partners and Sage Accountants Network members to have peer-to-peer discussions on topics specific to the partner community. Take advantage of this exclusive resource by getting involved today!
To join, go to Sage City and from the navigation bar across the top:
- Click on either “Partners” or “Accountants,” as appropriate.
- Fill out the required information to verify your relationship and click “Submit.”
- After receiving confirmation from Sage City, join in on the conversation!
And remember, participating in both the support communities, as well as the business communities, is a great way to share and showcase your expertise with others.
Have any questions about Sage City? Then be sure to visit the “Town Hall” or send us an email at [email protected] today.
Note: Where Sage Sell is a sales and marketing enablement site for partners, Sage City is our online community—a single place for Sage customers, partners, and employees to meet and share ideas, ask questions, and impart knowledge and experience. We hope you'll join the discussion at:
For assistance, or if you have any questions regarding Sage Sell, please contact [email protected].
The Sage Company Store
Sage contracts with Pinnacle Promotions to create a line of Sage-branded products that are available on the Sage Company Store.
Placing an order: The company store is easy to navigate and offers Sage-branded apparel and merchandise options.
The company store is hosted by Pinnacle, and you will need to register when visiting the site for the first time. Once you have access, you may place orders using a credit card.
Visit the store now to register and shop.
View Sage customer newsletters
Following are the October versions of the customer newsletter that were distributed to on-plan and off-plan customers.
On-plan versions
Off-plan versions
Off-plan versions contain content specific to getting customers back on plan.
#SageCRM support is on Twitter!
Get up-to-the-minute Sage CRM support-related updates, such as the latest news, new published tips, or hot fixes. Follow us:
For more detailed Sage CRM updates, or how-to insights, visit Sage City.
#SageERPX3 support is on Twitter!
Get the latest and greatest Sage ERP X3 support-related updates through our dedicated support account on Twitter. Follow us:
Additional partner resources