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Announcing the U.S. Small Business challenge

Ever wonder what Sage is doing to support U.S. small businesses? For one, this month we’re giving away a $5,000 Google AdWords digital advertising package to one lucky small business that pledges to grow in 2015.
Help us get the word out by tweeting an invitation to participate to all of your followers. We made it easy: Just copy and paste this message into your Twitter status update.

Tweet: What would you do w/ $5K in digital advertising? Take the @SageNAmerica #SmBiz Pledge to enter: #SageSmBizPledge

Thanks for helping get the word out!

Best regards,

Gabie Boko
EVP, Marketing

Sage ERP X3 version 7 channel marketing tools and assets

Be sure to take advantage of the Sage ERP X3 marketing programs and resources that are designed to enable you to market to your customers and prospects and generate more leads.

The new digital hub is an engaging environment highlighting the benefits of Sage ERP X3 version 7. Register for your unique URL, download your customized banner ads, and start filling your pipeline!

Now available on Sage Sell, the "How-to guide” on the Sage ERP X3 version 7 lead generation tools will help you make full use of the tools and resources available to generate leads for Sage ERP X3 version 7.

Sage ERP X3 version 7 channel enablement tools are available on the Partner Marketing Platform (Zift)

  • Sage ERP X3 lead generation email campaign: A series of ten emails that focus on the specific benefits of Sage ERP X3 version 7 and how to grow your business through better intelligence, easy-to-access information, usability, and mobility. Each email will drive traffic to your custom URL and generate leads. Get started now!
  • Sage ERP X3 updated product showcase panels: The Sage ERP X3 product showcase panels that highlights the features and benefits of Sage ERP X3 version 7. Get started now and embed the product showcase on your website to promote Sage ERP X3!

These Sage ERP X3 campaigns and supporting assets are available on the Partner Marketing Platform (Zift).

For more information, or to subscribe to the Partner Marketing Platform, contact Zift Solutions Partner Development.

The Sage ERP X3 version 7 playbook is available on Sage Sell—developed to provide you with valuable tools and information including product messaging, training information, and marketing and sales enablement tools.

If you have questions or need help, please contact the Sage Partner team at [email protected].

The Sage Company Store

Sage contracts with Pinnacle Promotions to create a line of Sage-branded products that are available on the Sage Company Store.

Placing an order: The company store is easy to navigate and offers Sage-branded apparel and merchandise options.

The company store is hosted by Pinnacle, and you will need to register when visiting the site for the first time. Once you have access, you may place orders using a credit card.

Visit the store now to register and shop.


October 2014

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