Download Instructions
Release Notes for Update 10 (2011 Year-End)
Year-End Resources:
2011 Year-End Procedures Guide.pdf
2011 Year-End Guide - Canadian Supplement.pdf
eFiling Guide.pdf
Information about eFiling, ordering tax forms, and year-end training
Technical Assistance
2011 Year-End Update (9.7.0 Accounting Update 10)
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Download and Install the Update
Download the 2011 Year-End Update for 9.7.0 (Accounting Update 10)
If you install new or additional Sage Timberline Office applications after installing an update, you must reapply the update.
- Click the button to download a self-extracting file that contains the update.

- When the File Download window appears, click [Save].
- In the Save As window, select a temporary location to save the file, and then click [Save].
Note: This location must be available to all workstations where Sage Timberline Office Accounting is installed. For example, create a folder named Update (if it does not exist) under X:\Timberline Office\9.5\Accounting\Wininst or X:\Timberline Office\Estimating. Save the file to that folder.
- In the Download Complete window, click [Close].
Update the Server
- At the server or stand-alone computer, log on with full administrative rights.
Note: Full administrative rights are defined as write access to the Windows registry and all the folders on the computer, including rights to the root of all hard disks. If you are unsure whether you have full administrative rights, ask your network administrator for assistance. Alternately, you can ask your network administrator to log on with the network administrator ID before you start the installation.
- Close all Sage Timberline Office and all Microsoft Office applications at the server and on all workstations.
- Browse to the location where you saved the file in step 4 of the "Download the Software Update" section.
- Double-click 970AccUpdate10.exe only once. It may take several minutes to launch the update, depending on your system.
- If a security warning appears, click [Run] or [Allow].
- When the Ready to install window appears, click [OK].
Note: The update may take several minutes. Double-click 970AccUpdate10.exe only once. You will receive a message when the installation is complete.
- The message This update has been installed successfully appears. Click [OK].
Upgrade Data
For optimal performance, Sage recommends that you upgrade your data from the server. Perform the Upgrade Files process only after the update has already been applied at the server. If you prefer to upgrade your data from a workstation instead, you must apply the update at both the server and the workstation before starting the Upgrade Files process.
- Perform a complete backup of all Sage Timberline Office data and program files. We strongly recommend that you back up files on a regular basis.
- In TS-Main, select Tools > Upgrade Files.
- At the Do you have a current backup of your data folders window, click [Yes.]
- Select to upgrade the current data folder or all data folders.
- Select Current data folder to upgrade files in the data folder in which you currently work.
- Select All data folders to upgrade files in all data folders that display in the Open Data Folder window. This may include data folders on other drives. With this option, the upgrade process can take a long time if you have many data folders.
- From the Files list, select All files. Do not select the Force file upgrade check box. This ensures only files requiring an upgrade are upgraded.
- Click [Start]. The Print File Selection window opens. In the File name box, type a name for the upgrade report file and click [Save]. The upgrade process begins in the background.
- Review the report when the process is complete.
Update Each Workstation
Update each workstation where you installed Sage Timberline Office.
- Log on to the workstation with full administrative rights.
- Close all Sage Timberline Office and all Microsoft Office applications on the workstation.
- Browse to the location where you saved the file in step 4 of the "Download the Software Update" section.
- Double-click 970AccUpdate10.exe only once.
- If a security warning appears, click [Run] or [Allow].
- The Ready to install window appears. Click [OK].
Note: The update may take several minutes. Double-click 970AccUpdate10.exe only once. You will receive a message when the installation is complete.
- The message This update has been installed successfully appears. Click [OK].
- Repeat steps 1 through 7 at each workstation where you installed this Sage Timberline Office application.
Important: If you run the workstation install on additional workstations later, you must also install the update by following the instructions in this section.
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Release Notes for 9.7.0 Updates
9.7.0 Accounting Updates are cumulative. They contain the latest enhancements and solutions plus all enhancements and fixes from previous updates. If you have not installed 9.7.0 updates, you can install the latest update to get all the previous enhancements and fixes. Click the following links to view previous updates. The most recent updates appear first in each list.
9.7.0 Accounts Payable Updates 1 & 2
9.7.0 Payroll Updates 1 through 3
9.7.0 Accounting Updates 1 through 10
Accounts Payable Updates
Accounts Payable Update 2 (Canada)
The T5018 Summary Form is now available for eFiling.
Accounts Payable Update 1 (Canada)
You can now enter a date range when generating T5018s. To use the date range:
- In Accounts Payable, select Tasks > Government eFile and Reporting > Form T5018
- Select the first day of the T5018 reporting period as the Start Date.
- Select the last day of the T5018 reporting period as the End Date.
- Click [Next] and continue through the wizard to generate T5018s.
- The End Date you entered will appear as the period end date on the T5018 forms you generate.
T5018 construction contractor payment amounts were incorrect. The amount reported is now the amount paid to the vendor after discounts.
Payroll Updates
Payroll Update 3 (United States)
The quarterly magnetic media format for Pennsylvania has been updated.
Payroll Update 2 (United States)
The Arkansas magnetic media Employer Identification Number (EIN) has been expanded to 11 digits.
Payroll Update 1 (United States)
To learn more about how to perform these tasks, log on to the Sage Customer Portal and review Knowledgebase article KB4320.
- The number of tax IDs allowed in a single AATRIXTAXID can now be exceeded by using nested formulas.
- You can now use nested formulas to include multiple individual tax IDs and combined tax IDs on your W-2s.
- Local tax formulas for the tax forms and W-2s now function after closing the year.
- Bulk file submission is no longer rejected if you generate W-2 magnetic media for the State of Georgia using Payroll: Tasks > Federal Reporting > Generate W-2 Magnetic Media.
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Accounting Updates
Accounting Update 10 (2011 Year-End Update)
Accounts Payable (United States)
The 1099 Magnetic Media format has been updated for 2011 filings.
Payroll (Canada)
The T4 XML file format has been modified for 2011 tax year filings.
Payroll (United States)
- We now allow 5 items in Box 12 in Tools > Modify Forms > W-2 Forms.
- Support for Codes DD and EE were added for Box 12 on the W-2. The magnetic media format has been updated.
- Quarterly Magnetic Media formats have been updated for New Mexico, New York, and Utah.
- Federal W-2 Magnetic Media format has been updated.
- W-2 Magnetic Media formats have been updated for Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachussetts, and Wisconsin.
eFile and Reporting W-2s - If a local tax ID included a comma, the formula used to combine multiple locals on W-2s in Aatrix would not work. This has been fixed. You must enclose tax IDs with commas inside a square bracket [xx,xx]. For more information about local tax formulas on eFile and Reporting W-2s, please refer to KB4320.
Accounting Update 9
Payroll (United States)
Pennsylvania - Local tax setup (PR: Setup > Taxes > Tax Rates) and calculations have been enhanced to support the Pennsylvania Act 32 requirements, effective January 1, 2012. Click here for detailed information on the setup and calculation of Pennsylvania local taxes. Information is also available in the Tax Rate Setup window by right-clicking the field and select What’s this, or searching for How to set up local taxes for the state of Pennsylvania in the Sage Knowledgebase.
Property Management
Payments imported for historical and archived leases will now be rejected during import and transactions will not be created.
Service Management
In some cases, after archiving work orders (SM: Tools > Archive Wizard) subsequent archive work orders sessions would fail. This issue has been fixed.
Accounting Update 8
Log Viewer - In some cases if the operating system's region and language date format was set to DD/MM/YYYY, the log viewer (Tools > Log Viewer) would not open. This has been fixed.
Accounts Payable (Canada)
If the T5018 Settings tab was selected in Accounts Payable > Setup > Vendor while Enter Invoices was open Accounts Payable would quit. This has been fixed.
During the physical count process, if inventory locations used different prefixes then incorrect prefixes could be used when the inventory transactions were created. This has been fixed.
Payroll (United States)
- The Indiana quarterly magnetic media format has been updated.
- The Ohio quarterly magnetic media format has been updated.
Known Issue:
If you use the Purchasing application to create and send Subcontract Purchase Orders to Job Cost and you maintain insurance information on the AP Vendor record, you may find that some of those Subcontract Purchase Orders will be rejected when imported to Job Cost after installing this release.
We are currently working on a solution for this issue that will be available soon.
Notes about 9.7.0 Update 8:
- eFiling - 9.7.0 Accounting Update 8 extends the Aatrix software expiration date. If you have not installed 9.7.0 Accounting Update 6 or later and you plan to print or eFile using any of the eFiling tasks, you should install Update 8. You will not be able to print or eFile any of the Canadian and U.S. tax forms after September 30, 2011 if you have not installed Update 6 or later. eFiling tasks are available in:
- Payroll: Tasks > Federal Reporting > Federal eFile and Reporting
Select Form 941, W-2s, T4s, or other forms.
- Payroll: Tasks > Quarterly Reporting > State eFile and Reporting
- Accounts Payable: Tasks > Government eFile and Reporting > Form 1099 (USA)
- Accounts Payable: Tasks > Government eFile and Reporting > Form T5018 (CAN)
- Property Management: Tasks > eFile Form 1099
Accounting Update 7 (Q1- Canada)
Accounts Payable
As of version 9.7.0, you can eFile T4s and T5018s through your Sage Timberline Office software. Find out more about eFiling.
The 2011 Q1 update (9.7.0 Accounting Update 7) contains a new tab in Accounts Payable Vendor Settings where you can enter additional T5018 vendor information. This information is used when eFiling T5018s.
After you install 9.7.0 Update 7, open Accounts Payable: Setup > Vendors and click the new T5018 tab. For each vendor that you want to receive a T5018, select the Vendor Receives Form T5018 check box, and complete other vendor information.
When it is time to generate and eFile the Form T5108 use Accounts Payable > Tasks > Government eFile and Reporting > Form T5018 (CAN) and follow the prompts. For details about the new T5018 tab and eFiling, see Accounts Payable Help.
Accounting Update 6 (Q1- United States)
Payroll (United States)
Form Updates
- Form 941 has been updated for 2011.
- California DE 6 Quarterly Report Wage Detail is changed to DE 9C.
Accounting Update 5.1 (Year-End 2010 Amended)
Payroll (Canada)
- Canadian T4 forms now print correctly using Payroll: Tasks > Generate T4 Forms. (The T4 is correct if you print it using Payroll: Tasks > eFile and Reporting.)
Payroll (United States)
- Box 12 Code CC on the W-2 form now calculates correctly if you have HIRE Act eligible employees who received a payroll check from you prior to 3/18/2010 and you will eFile your W-2s using Payroll: Tasks > Federal Reporting > Federal eFile and Reporting.
- Box 12 Code CC on the W-2 form now calculates correctly if you have HIRE Act eligible employees and you will print W-2 forms using Payroll: Tasks > Federal Reporting > Generate W-2 Magnetic Media.
- New Jersey W-2s now print correctly.
Accounting Update 5 (Year-End 2010)
- The ability to print audit activity journals was removed in 9.5. A new Print audit activity checkbox has been added in Tools > Options. When you select the new Print audit activity checkbox and the Audit setup activity checkbox you can print Audit activity journals.
- In some cases if Sage System Verification was run Desktop customizations could be lost. This has been fixed.
Accounts Payable (Canada)
- Electronic filing capability has been added for T5018s.
Payroll (Canada)
- T4 magnetic media format has been updated.
- Electronic filing capability has been added for T4s.
- In versions 9.5 and 9.6 a rate in excess of 21,274 could not be entered in Payroll: Setup > Other Tables > Pay Rate Tables. This has been fixed.
- When code 41 is specified in Modify T4 forms a Pay, Deduct, Fringe, or Formula can now be selected.
Accounts Payable (United States)
- 1099 magnetic media formats have been updated.
- Electronic filing capability has been added for Form 1099 (new vendor selection range included).
Payroll (United States)
HIRE Act - Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, enacted March 18, 2010, two new tax benefits are available to employers who hire certain previously unemployed workers. Wages are calculated from March 19, 2010 to December 31, 2010. In order to calculate and display exempt wages in box 12 of the W-2, you must:
- For each qualifying employee, open Setup > Employee > Misc Info tab and select the HIRE Act Qualified checkbox.
- Open Tools > Modify > W-2 forms > Amounts tab. Enter code CC in box 12 of the W-2.
For detailed information about the HIRE Act and HIRE Act reports, see Knowledgebase article KB8366.
Note: If you have employees who were laid off and hired back in the same year, only the wages and taxes that occurred after the rehire are eligible for the HIRE Act benefit. In this situation, Payroll will include all checks in the calculation, not just the checks after the employee was rehired. To generate W-2s with the correct amount, first determine the correct amount by printing the Hire_Act.rpt found in Knowledgebase article KB8366, modifying the check dates to only include the period after the employee was rehired. The total in SOC_E is the amount to use on the W-2. Then, using the in Payroll, open Tasks > Federal Reporting > Federal eFile and Reporting. Follow the prompts to generate your W-2s. In the W2/1099 Preparer grid, enter the correct amount in Box 12 for code CC. You can then print or eFile your W-2s.
- The W-2 format has been updated to allow the code CC, which is used to indicate employees that are HIRE act qualified.
- The Hire Act Qualified checkbox on the employee record can now be updated via ODBC.
- Quarterly Magnetic Media formats have been updated for Iowa, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania.
- Federal W-2 Magnetic Media format has been updated.
- W-2 Magnetic Media formats have been updated for Idaho, Ohio, Maine, and Vermont.
- Electronic Filing capabilities have been expanded and include:
- Federal and Reporting
- State eFile and Reporting enhancements
- New employee selection range
- Ability to link Aatrix codes to formulas
- In versions 9.5 and 9.6 a rate in excess of 21,274 could not be entered. This has been fixed.
- The amount in column e of the NYS-45-ATT form has been corrected.
- Alaska SUI now takes into account other state earnings if the other state does not have an equivalent tax.
- Louisiana SUI_E calculations no longer take into account earnings in other states.
- In some cases boxes 5a and 5c on Form 941 would contain #### instead of amounts.
- The default path for magnetic media files has been changed from A:\ to the current data folder.
- Aatrix - Boxes 4 and 5 were incorrect on Form 940. This has been fixed.
Project Management
- Project Management change orders and change requests appear to freeze when the Open Find window when opening Change Request checkbox is selected. This has been fixed.
Property Management
- 1099 and 1098 magnetic media formats have been updated.
- Electronic filing capability has been added for Form 1099-INT (new lease selection range included).
Residential Management
- When Residential Management was installed Residential Management was not available to be selected on the GL Cash Accounts tab within Cash Management > Setup Banks. This has been corrected.
Accounting Update 4.1
Drag and Drop Files From Microsoft Outlook or Explorer
With the new drag and drop functionality, you can copy files directly from Microsoft Outlook or Explorer into any Attachments windows to store them with other project files. To use this feature:
- Open Explorer or Outlook and locate the file you want to add to an attachment.
- Open a Sage Timberline Office application Attachment window and click the File Links tab.
- Select the file in Outlook or Explorer.
- While pressing the left mouse button, move the cursor to the Attachments window.
- Release the left mouse button.
The file is now attached to your Sage Timberline Office task.
Project Management
The Project Management Change Orders (Project Management: Change Control > Change Orders) and Change Requests (Project Management: Change Control > Change Requests) tasks now allow a change order or change request to be selected when starting the tasks.
Send Attachments from PJ to Document Management
You can now send attachments to DocuVault from several Project Management tasks, including:
- Change Order Requests
- RFIs
- Submittals
- Meeting Minutes
- Commitments
- Purchase Orders
- Subcontracts
- Commitment Change Orders
- Purchase Order Change Orders
- Subcontract Change Orders
- Custom Logs
- Drawing Log
From the Project Management task, click [Attachments] > File Links tab.
Sending files to DocuVault allows you to store, route, and work with the Project Management files in Document Management. When you send a file to DocuVault, it is indexed automatically so you can search for it in DocuVault at a later time. After you have sent a file to DocuVault, you can select whether to open it from DocuVault, or from the original location. You can now open a Document Management query from the Project Management Attachment window.
You can send attachments to DocuVault when:
- Compatible versions of Accounting and Document Management are installed; for example, Accounting 9.7.0 Update 4.1 and Document Management 9.7.1.
- The Accounting task is integrated with DocuVault.
- The file type is one of the following:
- ASCII : *.txt
- Microsoft Excel : *.xls, *.xlsx
- Microsoft PowerPoint : *.ppt, *.pptx
- Microsoft Word : *.doc, *.docx
- PDF : *.pdf
- RTF : *.rtf
- Image types : *.jpeg, *.png, *.bmp, *.tif, *.tiff, *.jpg, *.gif
The following issues have been fixed in Update 4.1.
Memory Cannot Be Read errors when exiting applications
If Microsoft .Net Framework 4 is installed then “Memory cannot be read” errors displayed when closing Sage Timberline Office applications.
Printer Setup (64-bit operating systems)
On 64-bit operating systems, an application appeared to freeze or lose focus for several minutes after using the Printer Setup option.
Accounts Payable – Enter Invoices, Change Invoices and Enter Pending Invoices
Accounts Payable status messages (Vendor on hold, Joint check and 1099 exempt) did not display below the distribution grids in the Enter Invoices, Change Invoices and Enter Pending Invoices tasks.
Inventory – Update from Billing
In some cases when using the Update from Billing task, the inventory items were properly updated but the Item Code column would display the Billing Interface Code instead of the Item Code.
Job Cost – Import Direct Costs
While importing direct costs (Tools > Import > Direct Costs) if the Don’t allow override checkbox (Job Cost: File > Company Settings > JC Settings > GL Entry) was selected, then entries containing the same cost account as the cost account that was retrieved were rejected.
Payroll – Enter Time
In some cases Payroll would quit while using the scroll bar if the Enter Time window had been resized to its maximum width (Payroll > Tasks > Enter Time).
Project Management – Commitment Change Orders
While using the Commitment Change Orders task (Project Management: Contract Control > Commitment COs) new commitment items were created without warning even though the In the Commitment CO window, automatically assign the Commitment Item column checkbox (Project Management: Company Settings > PJ Settings > Change Management tab) was not selected.
Property Management – Change Lease
The Current tenant field (Property Management > Setup > Units > General tab) on the unit was incorrectly updated to be a former tenant if a change was made to a terminated or historical lease (Tasks > Manage Leases > Change Lease).
Accounting Update 3
Several grids have been expanded for viewing in monitors where the resolution is set to 1024 x 768 or higher:
- Accounts Payable Enter Invoices, Pending Invoices and Change Invoices Distribution grids.
- Accounts Payable Enter Invoices, Pending Invoices and Change Invoices Commitment Item selection windows.
- Accounts Payable Tasks > Select Invoices to Pay on screen list and Approve Invoices.
- Job Cost > Tasks > Enter Commitments.
- Payroll > Tasks > Enter Time.
When updating inventory from Billing (IV > Tasks > Update from Billing) in cases where the Inventory Item code quantity and value on hand are zero the entries sent to Job Cost were incorrect. This has been corrected.
ODBC Applications Quit Unexpectedly
An issue with the previous release of Sage Timberline Office Accounting & Management caused ODBC-based applications, such as Crystal Reports, to quit unexpectedly. The issue has been resolved. If you use the Timberline Data ODBC driver to access Sage Timberline Office Estimating data, install this update.
Product Enhancement Program
In some cases the Product Enhancement Program (PEP.exe) would run multiple times when starting applications. This has been corrected.
Service Management
After changing the next work order number (Service Management > SM settings > Misc tab) the new next work order number was not used as the next work order number. This has been corrected.
Accounting Update 2
Downloading recent Microsoft updates may cause an error to display after closing Sage Timberline Office Accounting 9.7.0 applications and tasks. Update 2 fixes this issue.
After upgrading to 9.7.0 Accounting Update 1, you may be unable to open eFile and reporting tasks in Payroll.
Some binocular and other icons display the word "false" next to icon.
Accounting Update 1
Job Cost - Import as an approved estimate change
You can now import an estimate as an approved change. Select the Import as an Approved Estimate Change check box on Tools > Import > Estimates to create an approved estimate change transaction. The Approved Estimate Change and Total Estimate fields are updated.
Note: Production unit estimate amounts are always imported as original estimate amounts.
Billing - Entering lines on a quickbill for a closed job
If you select not to continue adding lines to a quickbill on a closed job, items above the line are now included in the total, producing correct billing invoices.
General Ledger - Closing current period on selected prefixes
When running Tasks > Close Current Period > Prefixes, you can now use the date filter to select specific prefixes to close.
Job Cost - Non-costed tax in JC Reports
The following Job Cost reports now subtract the non-costed tax from the amount:
- JC Category Summary as of Specific Date
- JC Cost Code Summary as of Specific Date
- JC Cost Spreadsheet with Date Range
- JC Job Cost Summary as of Specific Date
- JC Profit as of Specific Date
Printing - Document Properties on 64-bit workstation OS
The Document Properties window can now be closed or canceled.
Printing - Document Properties and 64-Bit Windows 7
When you print a document or report from Sage Timberline Office, the Document Properties window no longer appears behind other windows.
Project Management - Estimating Interface
An error message no longer appears when you select a new estimate in PJ: Contract Control > Change Request > Price/Cost Estimate tab > [Estimate Change Request].
Payroll (Australia)
System log indicates missing information
In order to create valid ETP Payment Summaries, the Employee record must contain the date of payment and the taxable and tax free amounts. The system log and summary page now indicate if this information is missing.
ETP errors logged only for employees receiving an ETP payment summary
The system log and summary page now indicate errors in employee records when the employee is receiving ETP rather than when they receive an INB payment summary.
Payroll (United States)
Florida - XML file specification changes, effective Q1 2010 March 31, 2010.
Iowa - Quarterly Magnetic Media format change effective for Q2 filings July 1, 2010.
Louisiana - The Participates in EFT of quarterly UI taxes check box on the Magnetic Media Report Options window is now selected by default.
North Carolina - Magnetic media file fixed. The file will no longer be rejected by the state.
Form 941 changes for Q2 2010 filings
The Internal Revenue Service has released revised Form 941 (Rev. April 2010). The revised form is required beginning the second quarter of 2010.
Note: Form 941 Schedule B has not been changed; the 2009 Form 941 Schedule B is still acceptable for filing.
Form 941 changes in the knowledgebase
If you require the updated Form 941, but do not require the other changes included in 9.7.0 Accounting Update 1, you can download the updated Form 941 from the knowledgebase.
To access the report, log on to the Sage Customer Portal. Click Knowledgebase Search, then enter KB230029 in the Search box.
Setup employee changes to support 2010 W-2 form changes
A HIRE Act Qualified checkbox has been added to the Misc Info tab (PR > Setup > Employees Misc Info tab). Select this checkbox for employees who qualify for tax credits in the HIRE Act. This new checkbox will be used when printing the 2010 W-2s.
HIRE Act report available in the knowledgebase
A report on employees who may meet the requirements of the HIRE act is now available in the knowledgebase.
The HIRE act allows employers to take a tax credit if an employee was hired after February 2nd, 2010, is employed for 52 weeks, and as long as in the last 26 weeks of employment the wages are 80% of what they earned in the first 26 weeks the company receives another tax break in 2011.
The report is not designed to accommodate the wage comparison. It includes Weeks, Taxable, Subject-to and Tax amounts for employees with the HIRE Act Qualified checkbox selected in the employee setup and for checks from 03-18-2010 and 12-31-2010.
To access the report, log on to the log on to the Sage Customer Portal. Click Knowledgebase Search and enter KB273 in the Search box.
Project Management - Transmittals
You can now save your selection on the Transmittals For Approval and Attached check boxes.
Purchasing - Viewing data folders information
You can now view the correct data folder information in Items when you switch data folders and then open File > Company Settings.
Security - Saving Record Level Security in Desktop
You can now save record level security settings while Desktop is open.