Download Instructions
Release Notes for Update 2 (Year-End 2011)
Year-End Resources:
2011 Year-End Procedures Guide.pdf
2011 Year-End Guide - Canadian Supplement.pdf
eFiling Guide.pdf
Information about eFiling, ordering tax forms, and year-end training
Technical Assistance
2011 Year-End Update (9.8.0 Accounting Update 2)
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Download and Install the Update
Download 9.8.0 Accounting Update 2
If you install new or additional Sage Timberline Office applications after installing an update, you must reapply the update.
- Click the button to download a self-extracting file that contains the update.

- When the File Download window appears, click [Save].
- In the Save As window, select a temporary location to save the file, and then click [Save].
Note: This location must be available to all workstations where Sage Timberline Office Accounting is installed. For example, create a folder named Update (if it does not exist) under X:\Timberline Office\9.5\Accounting\Wininst or X:\Timberline Office\Estimating. Save the file to that folder.
- In the Download Complete window, click [Close].
Update the Server
- At the server or stand-alone computer, log on with full administrative rights.
Note: Full administrative rights are defined as write access to the Windows registry and all the folders on the computer, including rights to the root of all hard disks. If you are unsure whether you have full administrative rights, ask your network administrator for assistance. Alternately, you can ask your network administrator to log on with the network administrator ID before you start the installation.
- Close all Sage Timberline Office and all Microsoft Office applications at the server and on all workstations.
- Browse to the location where you saved the file in step 4 of the "Download the Software Update" section.
- Double-click 980AccUpdate2.exe only once. The update may take several minutes to launch, depending on your system.
- If a security warning appears, click [Run] or [Allow].
- When the Ready to install window appears, click [OK].
Note: The update may take several minutes. Double-click 980AccUpdate2.exe only once. You will receive a message when the installation is complete.
- The message This update has been installed successfully appears. Click [OK].
Upgrade Data
For optimal performance, Sage recommends that you upgrade your data from the server. Perform the Upgrade Files process only after the update has already been applied at the server. If you prefer to upgrade your data from a workstation instead, you must apply the update at both the server and the workstation before starting the Upgrade Files process.
- Perform a complete backup of all Sage Timberline Office data and program files. We strongly recommend that you back up files on a regular basis.
- In TS-Main, select Tools > Upgrade Files.
- At the Do you have a current backup of your data folders window, click [Yes.]
- Select to upgrade the current data folder or all data folders.
- Select Current data folder to upgrade files in the data folder in which you currently work.
- Select All data folders to upgrade files in all data folders that display in the Open Data Folder window. This may include data folders on other drives. With this option, the upgrade process can take a long time if you have many data folders.
- From the Files list, select All files. Do not select the Force file upgrade check box. This ensures only files requiring an upgrade are upgraded.
- Click [Start]. The Print File Selection window opens. In the File name box, type a name for the upgrade report file and click [Save]. The upgrade process begins in the background.
- Review the report when the process is complete.
Update Each Workstation
Update each workstation where you installed Sage Timberline Office.
- Log on to the workstation with full administrative rights.
- Close all Sage Timberline Office and all Microsoft Office applications on the workstation.
- Browse to the location where you saved the file in step 4 of the "Download the Software Update" section.
- Double-click 980AccUpdate2.exe only once.
- If a security warning appears, click [Run] or [Allow].
- The Ready to install window appears. Click [OK].
Note: The update may take several minutes. Double-click 980AccUpdate2.exe only once. You will receive a message when the installation is complete.
- The message This update has been installed successfully appears. Click [OK].
- Repeat steps 1 through 7 at each workstation where you installed this Sage Timberline Office application.
Important: If you run the workstation install on additional workstations later, you must also install the update by following the instructions in this section.
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Release Notes for 9.8 Updates
I9.8.0 Accounting Updates are cumulative. They contain the latest enhancements and solutions plus all enhancements and fixes from previous updates. If you have not installed 9.8.0 updates, you can install the latest update to get all the previous enhancements and fixes.
9.8.0 Update 2 (2011 Year-End Update)
Accounts Payable (United States)
The 1099 Magnetic Media format has been updated for 2011 filings.
Payroll (Canada)
The T4 XML file format has been modified for 2011 tax year filings.
Payroll (United States)
- We now allow 5 items in Box 12 in Tools > Modify Forms > W-2 Forms.
- Support for Codes DD and EE were added for Box 12 on the W-2. The magnetic media format has been updated.
- Quarterly Magnetic Media formats have been updated for New Mexico, New York, and Utah.
- Federal W-2 Magnetic Media format has been updated.
- W-2 Magnetic Media formats have been updated for Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachussetts, and Wisconsin.
- eFile and Reporting W-2s - The DOL-WH347 report found under Tasks > Federal Reporting > Federal eFile and Reporting now pull the employee classification from the daily distribution record.
- eFile and Reporting W-2s - If a local tax ID included a comma, the formula used to combine multiple locals on W-2s in Aatrix would not work. This has been fixed. You must enclose tax IDs with commas inside a square bracket [xx,xx]. For more information about local tax formulas on eFile and Reporting W-2s, please refer to KB4320.
Project Management
In some cases, Field Reports would not open. This has been fixed.
9.8.0 Update 1
Accounts Payable (Canada)
Payments by Credit Card are now included in the T5018 Statement of Contract Payments
Construction Subcontractor Payments amount. To generate a T5018 form, open AP: Tasks > Government eFile and Reporting > Form T5018 (CAN).
Payroll (United States)
Local tax setup (PR: Setup > Taxes > Tax Rates) and calculations have been enhanced to support the Pennsylvania Act 32 requirements, effective January 1, 2012. Click here for detailed information on the setup and calculation of Pennsylvania local taxes. Information is also available in the Tax Rate Setup window by right-clicking the field and select What’s this, or searching for How to set up local taxes for the state of Pennsylvania in the Sage Knowledgebase.
Property Management
Payments imported for historical and archived leases will now be rejected during import and transactions will not be created.
Service Management
In some cases, after archiving work orders (SM: Tools > Archive Wizard) subsequent archive work orders sessions would fail. This issue has been fixed. |