Ways to Get Answers Fast!
Increased call volumes to our Customer Support Center can mean longer hold times during peak hours. Keeping this in mind, please try these convenient alternatives before calling:
Consult Your Online User's Guide
Online help is just a click away. You can access your Online User's Guide from within the application by either choosing Help from the Main Menu, or by using the Help Toolbar button. The Help Toolbar button is represented by a question mark and takes you to the specific area of the Online User's Guide that relates to where you are in Sage Abra Suite. For example, if you were on an employee's Current Job detail page and needed more information regarding a field on that panel, pressing the Help Icon (question mark) would take you directly to the page that relates to the Current Job detail page and its fields.
Log on to Customer Portal
The Customer Portal site gives you wide access to an array of Abra resources. Access is FREE to Business Care customers like you! To sign up, simply visit https://customers.sagenorthamerica.com, or if you are already registered https://customers.sagenorthamerica.com/irj/portal/anonymous/login.
Search the Knowledgebase
Search the same database our Customer Support representatives use to answer your questions over the phone. To access the Knowledgebase, log on to https://customers.sagenorthamerica.com, and then click Knowledgebase.
Submit a Support Ticket Online
If you've searched the Knowledgebase and can't find an answer to your question, you can Open a case online select the drop down option of Technical Product Question as the Question Category. One of our Sage HRMS experts will respond by email or phone usually within four business hours! The Question Category of General Question is a question directedd to the Customer Service department.
Email a Support Request
Write a detailed outline of the question you have, and email it to [email protected]. Be sure to include your name, phone number, product version number, customer number, and email address when sending in a request. Normal turnaround time is four business hours.
Live Chat
Live Chat is available from Online Chat is also available here. While not intended for the complex issues or balancing questions, Live Chat is great when you need help from a customer support representative on locating and applying the tax updates, locating pertinent documentation and locating our helpful videos! Live Chat is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.
Call Us!
Your Sage Business Care membership means you have access to Telephone Support Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. We're here to help you, and you are always welcome to give us a call at
800-829-0170 when you need assistance!