Product Manager's Corner
Career Enhancement Training for Sage Customers
We are excited to announce the availability of on-demand world class training through Sage. This Career Enhancement Training can be made available to our customers with three different options to choose from depending on the needs of their organization.
- Career Enhancement Training to invest in their employees - high quality online learning from the top content publishers in the industry. Available at one flat rate per student, our customers may purchase and administer online training for their employees. Sage negotiated the best deal to deliver an extensive library available at one price per employee for a full year. Our customers' workforce will have unlimited access to the content they need, anytime, anywhere. Our course library includes:
- Sage Business Success - a comprehensive library of technology, management and business skills courses to jump-start a training program and improve employees' skills. The Sage Business Success Library includes all of the courses from the Desktop Solutions Library, as well as technical training from vendors such as Adobe, Cisco, CompTIA, IBM, and Microsoft.
- Sage Compliance Essentials - compliance fundamentals training that covers important aspects of employment and compliance law. Courses include Computer Security, Sexual Harassment, HIPAA Compliance, and Workplace Safety.
- Sage Desktop Solutions - offers award-winning desktop training content that will bring your employees up to speed quickly and help to sharpen their skills. The fully interactive training modules offer over 500 courses on popular software. This library also includes general business and financial skills such as investing fundamentals, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, leadership and management, project management and more.
- Sage IT Certifications and Skills - one certification and training library of over 1,800 courses for IT professionals. Courses include training and certification modules for Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA, IBM, EMC2, Adobe, Sun, Novell, VMWare, and much more. Employees will have access to industry-leading content anytime, scheduling sessions that they can complete at their own pace. Resources include practice certification exams and practice zones so employees can get a feel for operating in new technical environments.
- Sage Leadership and Management - leadership development resources from training and development leader Skillsoft that include popular course titles such as Leadership, Senior Management, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Marketing, Career and Self-Development. The Sage Leadership and Management Library prepares management teams for the challenges they'll encounter in a variety of business scenarios. The interactive, AICC and SCORM-compliant modules engage managers and help them develop on both a personal level and a career level.
- Sage Safety and Compliance - safety and compliance content expert Vivid, Sage offers 135 interactive courses. Topics include Food Safety, Workplace Safety, HIPAA, Employment Law, OSHA 10, and a range of additional safety and compliance modules. Sage Safety and Compliance Library courses allow employees to access interactive modules online to get the basic and advanced compliance and safety training they need.
Information about Career Enhancement training is available through Sage Source. The "Sage Learning Showcase" gadget allows customers to review the libraries and content, as well as purchase information. The Sage Source link will be available after 9/1/2012. For more information about Career Enhancement Training you can also visit http://www.getsmartwithsage.com. Once customers have purchased training for their employees, the new Sage Source "Learning SSO" gadget will provide single sign-on access to Sage Career Enhancement Training.
- Career Enhancement Training for the individual - a course library specific to individual needs.
- HR Essentials - designed to deliver the information HR needs in a well-balanced and comprehensive library of top-quality, on-demand courses. The library includes 29 HRCI-certified courses and over 70 other courses handpicked by Sage to support HR organizations. To view this offering visit the following: http://www.sageu.com/employersolutions/hressentials.html
- Finance & Accounting Essentials - an exclusive and comprehensive resource for business professionals with a non-accounting and finance background. This library includes courses to help interpret accounting and financial information with the knowledge and acumen needed to drive the organization forward. To view this offering visit the following: http://www.sageu.com/employersolutions/acctessentials.html
- Sage HRMS Learning Management by Cornerstone on Demand. Any of the Career Enhancement Training libraries can be purchased with Sage HRMS Learning Management.
Individual training libraries can be purchased online from the training website highlighted in the training emails above.